jueves, 4 de julio de 2019

Some comments about the english learning process at university (P10)

Well, first of all I want to say that my experience learning english was difficult for me because in high school my experience was not very good. My teacher all the time spoke about her life and no one learned too much. Her method was so bad that the classes was boring and longer. But I have to say that always I liked English for that I can say that my experience was better because I studied more than classes. 

At university my experience has been similar. The process always been individually and the methodology of evaluation is the same that other subjects. For that, I think that the methodology should be different, more didactic. A language is insert in everything around us, so I think that learning process should be simulating that during the classes, but is necessary to be prepared because that way everyone can collaborate and learning.

About blogs I want to say that I like them, but I think is so much, because I doubt that every student returns to them. So, I think that other strategy could be better. But I still believe that is a good strategy for to write.

I need to improve my listening because it's difficult to me identify the words when people speaking so fast. I try improve through reading lyrics songs. Besides, I need to improve my talk because I still embarrassing me when I speak. My plan in the long term is travel to another country because that way I will feel more pressure to speak the language. It should be noted that videos have been very useful to improve my talking. 

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